What Types of Jobs Can I Get With a MIS Degree?

network adminManagement information systems, also referred to as MIS, is a field that examines people, organizations, and technology and how they interact with each other. It is a vital part of nearly all types of businesses to ensure effective functioning.

A variety of colleges and universities offer degree programs in management information systems. An individual who is interested in the program may ask what types of jobs can I get with a MIS degree? Many MIS positions are managerial. Possible options include data network security administrator, systems analyst, technical consultant, and interface designer.

Data Network Security Administrator

Data network security administrators manage a variety of hardware, software, and resources to make sure information is secure on company networks. They install and manage essential data security tools, including virus protection software, firewalls, and intrusion prevention systems to keep information safe and secure. They also check network traffic to detect unusual access. Data network security administrators help with disaster recovery procedures in the event of a security breach. These professionals work with a lot of devices, such as switches, servers, and routers. They also design and execute policies and training efforts to keep other employees up to date on network security practices.

Systems Analyst

Systems analysts conduct research regarding issues affecting systems and software. They develop solutions and provide recommendations to help equipment function effectively. They create cost evaluations, design modifications, and plan system flows. Systems analysts recognize and plan for influences that affect systems to make sure new technical requirements are implemented correctly with current processes. They also organize development to meet the requirements of their employer. Many systems analysts interact with customers and internal users to gain an understanding of requirements that are used to create essential documents. They assist programmers during the development of systems and perform testing procedures.

Technical Consultant

Technical consultants assist with the building of software applications for employers. They are involved with the designing, coding, and testing of technology, tools, and methodologies. They help with troubleshooting and resolving issues or defects. Technical consultants strive to gain an understanding of the technical and business requirements of clients to promote the most effective solution. They also help with the allocation of design documentation, unit testing plans, and code documents to clients. Technical consultants must demonstrate strong configuration management and build confidence in their employer.

Interface Designer

Interface designers help create interfaces for applications that are more user friendly. They strive to design technical applications that are both appealing and easy to understand to the average consumer. They commonly work with technical and marketing professionals to obtain information regarding the goals of the employer’s products or services. Interface designers then use an array of tools and resources to conduct research and evaluate the needs and expectations for applications. They work in any industry that utilizes technology to interact with the public.

A MIS degree is a great option for those interested in dealing with the management and organization of information systems. With technology constantly evolving, new positions are available constantly, including specialization areas. Earning this degree is an excellent start to finding a rewarding and interesting career.