Computer Information Systems Degrees

Computer Information Systems DegreesStudents earning Computer Information Systems Degrees (CIS degrees) are able to combine the training of business majors with computer science training. While the students studying management information systems (MIS) also combine business and computer science for their degrees, a CIS degree focuses much more on practical software applications. Typically, an MIS degree gives a graduate the skills needed to manage hardware, as well as building and maintaining networks and servers. However, the curriculum of these programs does not include learning how to write code for software. As a result, MIS majors typically enter into purely business occupations because they do not have enough educational background in computers to pursue jobs in programming or other technical fields. A CIS graduate often has the flexibility to pursue both management and technical jobs, because they are given a curriculum which includes programming courses. Additionally, students who earn Computer Information Systems Degrees take courses in information technology infrastructure, core business functions, communications, networking, software design, mathematics, and systems analysis and design. If a student is trying to decide between an MIS and a CIS degree, they should evaluate their mathematical capabilities. CIS students will have to take more courses that rely heavily upon advanced mathematical skill than MIS majors.

How To Find The Top Programs that Offer Computer Information Systems Degrees

Whether a student is looking for the best computer information systems degrees at a traditional college or the best online computer information systems degree programs, the most important aspect of the school is that the program must be accredited. Additionally, students should consider what type of job they hope to obtain after graduation. This will help them choose a college that will give them access to the right type of electives. While the majority of CIS degree programs require the same core requirements, candidates who choose their schools wisely can tailor their course of study to meet the specific career goals they have in mind. For example, potential CIS graduates who want to spend most of their time writing code and performing programming tasks will find that the best schools will be those with a high ranking in technical fields. These schools include Devry University and the MARA University of Technology. For students who would rather spend much of their career in a management position, it’s important to pick schools that allow them to take additional electives in accounting and business courses. The flexible course offerings of Ferris State University’s CIS degree program works well for these types of students.

Careers and Salaries For Individuals With Computer Information Systems Degrees

The potential CIS careers and CIS degree salaries covers a very broad range. Graduates with Computer Information Systems Degrees can hold jobs such as computer and information systems managers, computer systems analysts, software engineers, and business analysts. Also, CIS graduates frequently hold a number of entry level IT positions, especially immediately after graduation. These types of jobs are necessary in order to gain valuable experience, because in the highly competitive industry that employs CIS graduates, experience will determine salary and job opportunities much more than a degree alone will. Along with experience, graduates will have to be willing to obtain numerous computer certification exams to prove that they have the technical knowledge to back up their job history and degree.

Entry level IT jobs can begin with salaries of $30,000 annually, while systems managers and experienced programmers can command salaries of over $100,000 annually. Graduates choosing to use their computer information systems degrees to pursue managerial positions can expect to make between $40,000 to $70,000 annually.

Additional Resource: Best Online MIS Degrees