How Do You Become a Computer Systems Engineer?

Computer Systems EngineeringIf you’re fortunate enough to be technically inclined, you’ve probably wondered at some point about how to become a computer systems engineer. This job is similar to that of a computer scientist, and in general, it has more in common with computer science than with computer engineering. Computer systems engineers design solutions to technical problems using computer hardware and software, so they need to know equal amounts of computer architecture and computer science.

The Skills Needed By A Computer Systems Engineer

The study of computer science is mainly concerned with the discrete mathematical and practical engineering concepts of software design, while computer engineering is concerned with the logic and circuit design involved in building microprocessors. Computer scientists search for ways to make algorithms run more efficiently, and they spend most of their time thinking about software routines, data structures, searching and sorting algorithms and other software design problems. Hardware engineers are constantly searching for ways to build computer hardware more cheaply and efficiently so that it takes up less space and generates less heat. Computer systems engineers have a general understanding of both of these fields of science, and they work in situations that require computers to solve specific problems, such as in manufacturing plants and network infrastructure design.

To become a computer systems engineer, you just need a bachelor’s degree in this subject or, perhaps, in computer science or computer engineering. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with a degree in computer science, you will have the most opportunities, because the demand for software developers is increasing much more rapidly than for computer engineers. A computer science degree gives you most of the skills you need to be a computer systems engineer, and at most schools, you can choose a science-based degree track that allows you to take physics and computer architecture courses needed for engineering jobs.

Planning Your Education

If your goal is to go into engineering, you can simply major in engineering, but you should make sure to learn the fundamentals of software design while in college, because it will ensure that you always have work opportunities. As an engineer, you won’t be developing complex software applications from start to finish as you would as a software developer, but you’ll be responsible for designing the software that controls the hardware you build.

Usually, your software will only be used in the specialized hardware you design, but because it can also be adapted to work in similar situations, the ability to generalize a technical problem into its fundamental rules will help you perform your job. This skill is used by software developers to write programs that behave appropriately in as many conceivable situations as possible using as little code as possible, and it’s also just a good skill to have when working out solutions to math and logic problems.

Another good path to take is to get a bachelor’s degree in computer science and then a master’s degree in engineering. This plan will give you the most job opportunities and earning potential, although a master’s degree in a tough subject like engineering can be quite demanding.

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Computers are used in just about every industry, and engineers are needed to figure out how they can help businesses solve problems. If you have a strong interest in both computer science and hardware engineering, you may want to become a computer systems engineer.